Saturday, April 12, 2014

What do you need to know before you blog?

Blogging can be a wonderful way to introduce young people to creative writing.  Their blog page can be a place where they share their work and talents.  Some people use it as an online journal, while others post their artwork or poetry.  There are two things you need to know before you blog.

1. Be aware of your Digital Tattoo: Whatever you post is permanent; it can not be removed!

By: A.T. inspired by social media websites

We have access to numerous social media websites.  It can be tempting to post a message, picture, or video to express our feelings.  We must think about who should see the information and who can view the post.  Be aware before you share.

2. Learn about Creative Commons: Blogs are presented using Visually Differentiated Text (VDT).  VDT combines visuals (pictures, photographs, and videos) with text.

Q1: Can you copy a picture from the internet and paste it on your blog?  A1: Yes, you can.

Q2: Should you copy a picture from the internet and paste it on your blog?  A2: Well, that depends.

We must follow copyright rules.  Creative Commons provides a roadmap to tell us what images we can use and how we can use them.

 by:  A.T.
You can also take your own photos or draw the images that you post online.

If you are not as proud of your stick figures as I am of mine, then you can use Google images.  Go to Search tools, and then click on Usage Rights.  You can choose the images you want to attach to your blog and you will not have to worry about breaking copyright rules!

1 comment:

  1. Jessie
    Thank you for the RT on Twitter, our students from rural New Zealand are always very appreciative of the opportunity to have their work exposed to an audience, which being located where we are is extremely powerful. I would like to share one brief anecdote with you about blogging and the powerful effect that it can have on students. I've moved schools this teaching year to a school where the students haven't blogged before. The best writer in my class last year used to write in a book and share the results with her parents while they were great supporters of her writing it was a limited audience. This year, in just under six months she's had just under 5,500 page views, which for a students blog is fantastic. However by far the best thing is that she now feels empowered to write for a global audience which she knows is there watching, reading and responding to her work. Have a great day and good luck with your studies.
    Mr Webb and Room One, Auroa Primary School, Taranaki, New Zealand
    the student concerned is Emily, whose blog is listed on our class blog or you can have a look at her page on
